Hey does anyone know how to edit the comments setting for a blog... I just don't read "computer" even though blogspot puts it in simple terms.
Does anyone know how to make it so that anyone can comment but they still have to type in the funky letters and I don't have to approve them in my Comments Section under Awaiting Moderation?
Pick Up Lines
Oh pick up lines.... when not used on you by a serious seeker of love, they can be really stupid, funny, cheesy, hilarious, lame-o, etc. In reality, pick up lines are funny when used on a spouse or someone you are currently dating or a friend with a funny bone in them or if you want to spice things up you DO say them to a complete stranger with full intentions of creeping them out or making them laugh.
Well I went ahead and picked some awesome and not so awesome ones out for my lovely readers (I think there is like two maybe three of you).
Top Ten Great (Great as in actually good or just funny) Pick Up Lines
10. Hey, don't I know you? Yeah, you're the girl/guy with the beautiful smile.
9. Hi. My name is {name}. I'm running for president in 2012. And I could sure use your vote. Here...write down your number and I'll call you to discuss my platform.
8. Good evening. May a thorn sit down amongst the roses?
7. Baby did you fart, 'cause you blow me away!
6. (Close hand with nothing inside and give it to her) It's my breath from when you took it away (open palm while saying this).
5. Run up to a girl and while gasping for breath say, “Phew! Ok, I’m here! What were your other two wishes?”
4. Does Levi's pay you for wearing those and looking that good?
3. Excuse me, I'd like to have kids someday, and I wanted to know how your parents created such a beautiful creature.
2. Hey, Laura! (Big hug). I haven't seen you forEVER!! (huge kiss) Wow, you've really changed! (I'm not Laura) What? Oh my goodness, you even changed your name!
1. Ask a woman for the time. "10:30? So today is January 10,1999, at 10:30 PM, thanks I just wanted to be able to remember the exact moment that I met you."
Top Ten +1 Lame/Typical Pick Up Lines
11. Hey, I lost my phone number ... Can I have yours?
10. Hey, come here often? You could, with me.
9. Are you a parking ticket? (What?) You got fine written all over you.
8. Are you a tamale? 'Cause you're hot.
7. Can i get your picture to prove to all my friends that angels really do exist?
6. Do you have room in your life for another friend?
5. Do you know karate? 'Cause your body is really kickin'.
4. Does your watch have a second hand? I want to know how long it took for me to fall in love with you.
3. Ever since I met you, you've lived in my heart without paying any rent.
2. Hello. Cupid called. He says to tell you that he needs my heart back.
1. Excuse me miss, I don't mean to stare, but um I think you're really Beautiful"
Happy Picking Up!
Well I went ahead and picked some awesome and not so awesome ones out for my lovely readers (I think there is like two maybe three of you).
Top Ten Great (Great as in actually good or just funny) Pick Up Lines
10. Hey, don't I know you? Yeah, you're the girl/guy with the beautiful smile.
9. Hi. My name is {name}. I'm running for president in 2012. And I could sure use your vote. Here...write down your number and I'll call you to discuss my platform.
8. Good evening. May a thorn sit down amongst the roses?
7. Baby did you fart, 'cause you blow me away!
6. (Close hand with nothing inside and give it to her) It's my breath from when you took it away (open palm while saying this).
5. Run up to a girl and while gasping for breath say, “Phew! Ok, I’m here! What were your other two wishes?”
4. Does Levi's pay you for wearing those and looking that good?
3. Excuse me, I'd like to have kids someday, and I wanted to know how your parents created such a beautiful creature.
2. Hey, Laura! (Big hug). I haven't seen you forEVER!! (huge kiss) Wow, you've really changed! (I'm not Laura) What? Oh my goodness, you even changed your name!
1. Ask a woman for the time. "10:30? So today is January 10,1999, at 10:30 PM, thanks I just wanted to be able to remember the exact moment that I met you."
Top Ten +1 Lame/Typical Pick Up Lines
11. Hey, I lost my phone number ... Can I have yours?
10. Hey, come here often? You could, with me.
9. Are you a parking ticket? (What?) You got fine written all over you.
8. Are you a tamale? 'Cause you're hot.
7. Can i get your picture to prove to all my friends that angels really do exist?
6. Do you have room in your life for another friend?
5. Do you know karate? 'Cause your body is really kickin'.
4. Does your watch have a second hand? I want to know how long it took for me to fall in love with you.
3. Ever since I met you, you've lived in my heart without paying any rent.
2. Hello. Cupid called. He says to tell you that he needs my heart back.
1. Excuse me miss, I don't mean to stare, but um I think you're really Beautiful"
Happy Picking Up!
Friday night my mom was watching my brother's girls and when I heard the garage door go up I said, "Grandpa's home!" They all ran to the door to wait for him and then in a panic one said, "What if he decides to chase us?!" and they all scattered to get away. One ran around and came back to me and said, "Amy! Let's go hide in your room!" the others came to me with the same idea but we were too late... Grandpa came in! As soon as he came in the house they all screamed and once again scattered! Well, my dad looked shocked but I said, "They think you are going to chase them." He quickly caught on and they all started running around the house.

At one point I had them hiding in the linen closet and then I left them there... haha!
Eventually the girls made it to my room and they wanted to stay there all night... umm no... haha... I'm not THAT cool of an aunt. SO... instead I said, "I know! Let's dress up in disguises so you can still go play downstairs but grandpa won't recognize you!" They were in! First I had them dress up in Murray High attire and then Aggie attire... but this was only because I wanted pictures of them in those things... totally for me!

Future Spartans... Just like their Mom and Dad and Aunts and Uncles

Anna's "Senior Photo"

Lilly's "Senior Photo"

Addie's "Senior Photo"

Future "Tough Guy" Aggies! (I serisously can't help myself... you have to plant the seed early... yeah know!) They'll be on the front row at basketball games for sure!
Then we dressed up in our disguises! (while we were getting ready I snuck out and told my parents that the next time they saw all of us... they "wouldn't recognize us... ok!") When we were all set and ready to go we went to the kitchen where my parents were and I said, "Hey Mom and Dad! These are my friends from college!"

Me, "Letisha the Movie Star," "Moique aka Mo the Artist" and "Jo, the tough guy"

A better image of Jo's original outfit
That is how I spent my Friday night... no regrets!
At one point I had them hiding in the linen closet and then I left them there... haha!
Eventually the girls made it to my room and they wanted to stay there all night... umm no... haha... I'm not THAT cool of an aunt. SO... instead I said, "I know! Let's dress up in disguises so you can still go play downstairs but grandpa won't recognize you!" They were in! First I had them dress up in Murray High attire and then Aggie attire... but this was only because I wanted pictures of them in those things... totally for me!
Future Spartans... Just like their Mom and Dad and Aunts and Uncles
Anna's "Senior Photo"
Lilly's "Senior Photo"
Addie's "Senior Photo"
Future "Tough Guy" Aggies! (I serisously can't help myself... you have to plant the seed early... yeah know!) They'll be on the front row at basketball games for sure!
Then we dressed up in our disguises! (while we were getting ready I snuck out and told my parents that the next time they saw all of us... they "wouldn't recognize us... ok!") When we were all set and ready to go we went to the kitchen where my parents were and I said, "Hey Mom and Dad! These are my friends from college!"
Me, "Letisha the Movie Star," "Moique aka Mo the Artist" and "Jo, the tough guy"
A better image of Jo's original outfit
That is how I spent my Friday night... no regrets!
Mushy Mind
I have started a new job and it's hard and fun and I'm scared and excited! Today however... I had to up date spreadsheets in Excel and it wasn't awful but because it was so monotonous and simple my mind was slowly going into a coma! Ok, not really... obviously.
Basically since I have started the job my mind has had to learn new things and I can feel it working as I figure things out and processes it in my own way. It is kind of like my last semester of college. See I only needed four credits to graduate but I decided, what the hey (side note: Does anyone say "What the hey?!" anymore these days?) I'll take a full schedule. So I took classes outside my major of things that I thought would just be fun to learn about: Piano, Interior Design, Snowboarding, Sociology, Personal Finance and African Dance (I wanted to take a history class and a literature class but they were full... bummer). I loved it because it was outside of my major and so it was like waking up other parts of my brain plus it was just fun to learn things... for fun!
Unlike today... oh no. Seriously as I would typing it was as if............................
.......................(long giant mind numbing distract pause).................................
...........................................oh... Oh! Sorry, what was I saying...
Anyways pretty much I feel sorry for people who work in a lab or only do data entry or sit at a toll booth all day. My mind would turn to... hmmm analogies.... mush, oatmeal, mud, mulch, the scum between my toes! Oh wait that last one is from a different speech. My apologies!
Anyways... total randomness but...Yup, that's it... BYE
Basically since I have started the job my mind has had to learn new things and I can feel it working as I figure things out and processes it in my own way. It is kind of like my last semester of college. See I only needed four credits to graduate but I decided, what the hey (side note: Does anyone say "What the hey?!" anymore these days?) I'll take a full schedule. So I took classes outside my major of things that I thought would just be fun to learn about: Piano, Interior Design, Snowboarding, Sociology, Personal Finance and African Dance (I wanted to take a history class and a literature class but they were full... bummer). I loved it because it was outside of my major and so it was like waking up other parts of my brain plus it was just fun to learn things... for fun!
Unlike today... oh no. Seriously as I would typing it was as if............................
.......................(long giant mind numbing distract pause).................................
...........................................oh... Oh! Sorry, what was I saying...
Anyways pretty much I feel sorry for people who work in a lab or only do data entry or sit at a toll booth all day. My mind would turn to... hmmm analogies.... mush, oatmeal, mud, mulch, the scum between my toes! Oh wait that last one is from a different speech. My apologies!
Anyways... total randomness but...Yup, that's it... BYE
It... S-N-O-W-E-D
umm... it snowed last night... like... in the movies when the scene is doing a transition from one scene to the next and the first one was fall and then as the transfer happens it says "winter" and there is snow... EVERYWHERE! (I feel like in those transition scenes there is always a kid on a bike doing his paper route. The best scene is found in While You Were Sleeping. The kid chucks the newspaper and he falls off his bike... totally random to the story but still a good laugh.)
Now I hate winter and ever more being cold, I'm one of those people who loves summer and would rather be dying of heat than layering like crazy to stay warm. HOWEVER there is still something magical about the first snow (and snow on Christmas). And this was an (high pitched singing voice) aMAZING first snow. It is the fresh, happy, fluffy, winter wonderland snow.
Confession... I love snow; again it is the cold and winter time I can't stand. I hate the dark depressing days and the cold weather that bites at your bones and steals YOUR SOUL. But the pure white snow is so great; it brings wonder and awe. My last semester of college I took a snowboarding class and it was so much fun, I'm awful, but I loved it. I can't wait to get back on the mountain this year and keep practicing. There really is something about being in the mountains riding up lifts and flying down through powder... everything is still but not a creepy silent, more like a peaceful surrounding. If it weren't Sunday and if I wasn't loyal to keeping the Sabbath day holy I would have ignored my hacking cough and gone snow boarding... good thing the season has only begun.
Happy First Snow My Dear Reader
Now I hate winter and ever more being cold, I'm one of those people who loves summer and would rather be dying of heat than layering like crazy to stay warm. HOWEVER there is still something magical about the first snow (and snow on Christmas). And this was an (high pitched singing voice) aMAZING first snow. It is the fresh, happy, fluffy, winter wonderland snow.
Confession... I love snow; again it is the cold and winter time I can't stand. I hate the dark depressing days and the cold weather that bites at your bones and steals YOUR SOUL. But the pure white snow is so great; it brings wonder and awe. My last semester of college I took a snowboarding class and it was so much fun, I'm awful, but I loved it. I can't wait to get back on the mountain this year and keep practicing. There really is something about being in the mountains riding up lifts and flying down through powder... everything is still but not a creepy silent, more like a peaceful surrounding. If it weren't Sunday and if I wasn't loyal to keeping the Sabbath day holy I would have ignored my hacking cough and gone snow boarding... good thing the season has only begun.
Happy First Snow My Dear Reader
Blood and Needles... Yuck!
So I have a history of being a "not so much a fan of blood and needles" person. Yup, true fact. Once I actually passed out in a physical because they pricked... yes PRICKED my finger to test like a milla-ounze of blood. If you pass out during a doctor's appointment you get a popsicle... that makes it a LOT less humiliating. I also passed out once while DRIVING ... ON THE FREEWAY because my friend was telling a horrifical graphic story about donating blood. (don't worry... we all survived because I was smart enough to swallow my pride and pull over and now it's a great funny story)
I have decided to diagnose my condition :) The phobia of needles is called Aichmophobia and the phobia of blood is called Hemophobia... so I have Aichihemophobia! BAH! (I can't really say that though without sounding like a "pretend" doctor who sounds out stuff)
It's really too bad that I can't handle blood and needles. See my fantasy job (not a dream job... dream job= what you could really be one day. Fantasy job= a job you know you'll never have but one would think it would be pretty awesome to have that job) is to be a surgeon. But that wouldn't go over so well... nope... not at all... I can see it now, "Your surgery went well...Doctor Amy did pass out so Doctor Substitute had to take over... but you'll make a full recovery." Just the intensity, intelligence and compassion of that career sound... welp... really cool.
Last week I had a cold. Two nights in a row I got a bloody nose. Once while driving. Both times in the presence of my friend Paige. Both times I was prepared with tissues (thank goodness for my anal personality and always being prepared). But bloody noses are no biggies... I've always had them growing up. They're just annoying and take patience. Paige however did make the comment, "So... your own blood doesn't bother you then?" Nope! Not even skinning my knee.
It's weird... I get queazy when blood is being removed unnaturally or in a dramatic way but if it's a nose bleed, razor cut, skinned knee, papercut... SUPER AMY IS HERE TO STAY!
Wow... probably a little pathetic... oh well!
P.s. To find a list of phobias you can go to this website: http://phobialist.com/
I have decided to diagnose my condition :) The phobia of needles is called Aichmophobia and the phobia of blood is called Hemophobia... so I have Aichihemophobia! BAH! (I can't really say that though without sounding like a "pretend" doctor who sounds out stuff)
It's really too bad that I can't handle blood and needles. See my fantasy job (not a dream job... dream job= what you could really be one day. Fantasy job= a job you know you'll never have but one would think it would be pretty awesome to have that job) is to be a surgeon. But that wouldn't go over so well... nope... not at all... I can see it now, "Your surgery went well...Doctor Amy did pass out so Doctor Substitute had to take over... but you'll make a full recovery." Just the intensity, intelligence and compassion of that career sound... welp... really cool.
Last week I had a cold. Two nights in a row I got a bloody nose. Once while driving. Both times in the presence of my friend Paige. Both times I was prepared with tissues (thank goodness for my anal personality and always being prepared). But bloody noses are no biggies... I've always had them growing up. They're just annoying and take patience. Paige however did make the comment, "So... your own blood doesn't bother you then?" Nope! Not even skinning my knee.
It's weird... I get queazy when blood is being removed unnaturally or in a dramatic way but if it's a nose bleed, razor cut, skinned knee, papercut... SUPER AMY IS HERE TO STAY!
Wow... probably a little pathetic... oh well!
P.s. To find a list of phobias you can go to this website: http://phobialist.com/
How Did We Meet?
Last night I went out to dinner and a movie with my friends Paige and Melinda. These two are from my group of friends from high school... I call them my Murray Girls. Baugh+Heather+Shantel+Keshia+Angela+Melinda+Staci+Leah+Paige+Sarah=Murray Girls but really... anyone was and is welcome in our group... they are just the first ones to come to mind when I say Murray Girls, they are my original Murray Girls... ANWAYS (background info time over... back to our blog post) as we were eating Melinda and Paige started teasing each other and asking... "how did we ever become friends?" It made us think and laugh as we reminisced about how we met each other and how we came to meet other people as well.
It really is fascinating how we meet people in our lives. Sometimes it is a specific event, a casual or formal introduction, a friend of a friend... other times there are those people who just became a part of your life without you even realizing it; their specific introduction in your life is blurry. You know there was a time that they weren't there but how it began is a mystery. And the length of time people are in your life is fascinating. Some people are there to stick for life, while others only needed to play a small part in your life.
Well I reminisced about how I met certain people in my life. You should do the same thing; it brings up some fun memories and some good laughs. Here are a few of the many that I reminisced about:
Melinda: I met Melinda in Mrs. Call's 3rd grade class. That is the first time I knew of her existence. She had lived in Murray much longer before that, but that was when I first met Melinda and what a blessing it is to have her in my life. She is my adventurous, carefree friend who makes life fun.
Paige: I don't remember a particular event or place of meeting. She wasn't there and then she was. I had seen her a few times growing up because we were in the same stake but her ward was in the boundaries for a different elementary so I believe it wasn't until Jr High that we officially spoke to each other. We didn't really start hanging out until our Senior year of high school. But Paige was someone, starting in Jr High, I liked to sit by in classes. Paige is one of those loyal, genuine and kind people who truly cares about everyone around her and I always felt safe by her.
Kelcie: I met Kelcie when I was three or four. She was new to our neighborhood. Her mom came over to our old house on Vine to drop something off. Her mom mentioned having a daughter my age out in the car, so I ran out to see her. She was in the back seat of a yellow car with her litter sister. I ran up to the halfway rolled down window and said, "HI! I'M AMY! I'm YOUR AGE!" She stared back at me with her big frightened wide-eyes that were peering out from behind her donald duck magnifying eye-glasses. If you have seen the movie, UP, pretty much the beginning when the boy and the little girl meet each other was a reenactment of Kelcie and my's first meeting. She later became my childhood best friend. Today she is still one of those friends where we can go months without calling each other and then when we do it is as if we haven't missed a day.
Chad: I met Chad over winter break my junior year at college. We were both home alone because we stayed an extra week for work. He lived below me and heard me moving around upstairs. The first time he rang my door bell I pretended not to be home, the next day I answered the door when he knocked and he invited me over for ice cream but I came up with an excuse not to have some but the third day I agreed to ice cream and we also made cookies for people who lived by us. Then we both took off for winter break. When school started again, Chad came over for fashion advice on an outfit; we were all sold on his awesomeness. After that he became an apartment favorite and a best friend. I can't believe I was a turd in the beginning!
Andrew: I have always said, "Andrew is my diaper days friend, I've known him since the diaper days." In all honesty, I'm pretty sure we met after the diaper days, his beginning is hazy too, but I know, besides family, he as been apart of my life the longest. Some of my fondest memories are with Andrew: playing Peter Pan in his backyard, begging our parents not to makes us go to pre-school (we had the world's scariest teacher our first year), watching him play basketball in high school, texting in college, and a lot more in between.
Sarah: After a high school basketball game my sophomore year my friend Slivka said, "Wanna go to Sarah Miller's birthday party?" I didn't even know who Sarah was but I thought, eh, why not! The next thing I knew Slivka had a group of people in my white astro van and we were on our way to Sarah's house. That car ride was epic! We were blasting Bare Naked Ladies on my CD player and being typical silly teenage girls. I was having so much fun with my bus load of people that I turned a corner so fast that we all swear to this day that the van went up on two wheels as it tipped to the left. We arrived to Sarah's party and I went quickly from being the "who's that" girl to the "awesome/crazy van driver" girl. Sarah is now one of my Murray Girls. (pretty much that story has nothing to do with Sarah except that those were the events that lead to meeting her)
Larry: Larry was good friends with my roommate, of 2 and half school years, Mel. I came home after a date on halloween and I was STARVING! Larry was sitting at the kitchen table talking with Mel and I walked in and said, "Hey guys! Wait who are you?!" Larry said, "Hi, I'm Larry." I replied, "Hi Larry! Now you guys get back to talking I've got massive amounts of food to consume because my date picked me up at 5:30, fed me hot chocolate and now it's 11:30 and I'm shaking like an excited toddler on Christmas Eve except that mine is from lack of food!" This then lead to a lot of funny stories about dating. Larry and I later worked together on the A-Team at school but he was always "Larry, Mel's Friend" and I was always "Amy, Mel's Roommate." He is now one of my besties and we laugh that we once, long ago, considered each other acquaintances through another person. When the switched happened... we're unsure.
Emily: My first and dearest dance friend, the funny thing is... we were enemies first... but to this day we don't know why. We were in Miss Deborah's dance class but pretty much unaware of each other. We were first graders, we were just happy to skip and leap around the room. We later tried out for CDT, made it into the company and thus began our lives together and awareness of each other. Our mom's set up a carpool; we started out as enemies (life's greatest mystery) and then became great friends... the rest is a great history
It really is fascinating how we meet people in our lives. Sometimes it is a specific event, a casual or formal introduction, a friend of a friend... other times there are those people who just became a part of your life without you even realizing it; their specific introduction in your life is blurry. You know there was a time that they weren't there but how it began is a mystery. And the length of time people are in your life is fascinating. Some people are there to stick for life, while others only needed to play a small part in your life.
Well I reminisced about how I met certain people in my life. You should do the same thing; it brings up some fun memories and some good laughs. Here are a few of the many that I reminisced about:
Melinda: I met Melinda in Mrs. Call's 3rd grade class. That is the first time I knew of her existence. She had lived in Murray much longer before that, but that was when I first met Melinda and what a blessing it is to have her in my life. She is my adventurous, carefree friend who makes life fun.
Paige: I don't remember a particular event or place of meeting. She wasn't there and then she was. I had seen her a few times growing up because we were in the same stake but her ward was in the boundaries for a different elementary so I believe it wasn't until Jr High that we officially spoke to each other. We didn't really start hanging out until our Senior year of high school. But Paige was someone, starting in Jr High, I liked to sit by in classes. Paige is one of those loyal, genuine and kind people who truly cares about everyone around her and I always felt safe by her.
Kelcie: I met Kelcie when I was three or four. She was new to our neighborhood. Her mom came over to our old house on Vine to drop something off. Her mom mentioned having a daughter my age out in the car, so I ran out to see her. She was in the back seat of a yellow car with her litter sister. I ran up to the halfway rolled down window and said, "HI! I'M AMY! I'm YOUR AGE!" She stared back at me with her big frightened wide-eyes that were peering out from behind her donald duck magnifying eye-glasses. If you have seen the movie, UP, pretty much the beginning when the boy and the little girl meet each other was a reenactment of Kelcie and my's first meeting. She later became my childhood best friend. Today she is still one of those friends where we can go months without calling each other and then when we do it is as if we haven't missed a day.
Chad: I met Chad over winter break my junior year at college. We were both home alone because we stayed an extra week for work. He lived below me and heard me moving around upstairs. The first time he rang my door bell I pretended not to be home, the next day I answered the door when he knocked and he invited me over for ice cream but I came up with an excuse not to have some but the third day I agreed to ice cream and we also made cookies for people who lived by us. Then we both took off for winter break. When school started again, Chad came over for fashion advice on an outfit; we were all sold on his awesomeness. After that he became an apartment favorite and a best friend. I can't believe I was a turd in the beginning!
Andrew: I have always said, "Andrew is my diaper days friend, I've known him since the diaper days." In all honesty, I'm pretty sure we met after the diaper days, his beginning is hazy too, but I know, besides family, he as been apart of my life the longest. Some of my fondest memories are with Andrew: playing Peter Pan in his backyard, begging our parents not to makes us go to pre-school (we had the world's scariest teacher our first year), watching him play basketball in high school, texting in college, and a lot more in between.
Sarah: After a high school basketball game my sophomore year my friend Slivka said, "Wanna go to Sarah Miller's birthday party?" I didn't even know who Sarah was but I thought, eh, why not! The next thing I knew Slivka had a group of people in my white astro van and we were on our way to Sarah's house. That car ride was epic! We were blasting Bare Naked Ladies on my CD player and being typical silly teenage girls. I was having so much fun with my bus load of people that I turned a corner so fast that we all swear to this day that the van went up on two wheels as it tipped to the left. We arrived to Sarah's party and I went quickly from being the "who's that" girl to the "awesome/crazy van driver" girl. Sarah is now one of my Murray Girls. (pretty much that story has nothing to do with Sarah except that those were the events that lead to meeting her)
Larry: Larry was good friends with my roommate, of 2 and half school years, Mel. I came home after a date on halloween and I was STARVING! Larry was sitting at the kitchen table talking with Mel and I walked in and said, "Hey guys! Wait who are you?!" Larry said, "Hi, I'm Larry." I replied, "Hi Larry! Now you guys get back to talking I've got massive amounts of food to consume because my date picked me up at 5:30, fed me hot chocolate and now it's 11:30 and I'm shaking like an excited toddler on Christmas Eve except that mine is from lack of food!" This then lead to a lot of funny stories about dating. Larry and I later worked together on the A-Team at school but he was always "Larry, Mel's Friend" and I was always "Amy, Mel's Roommate." He is now one of my besties and we laugh that we once, long ago, considered each other acquaintances through another person. When the switched happened... we're unsure.
Emily: My first and dearest dance friend, the funny thing is... we were enemies first... but to this day we don't know why. We were in Miss Deborah's dance class but pretty much unaware of each other. We were first graders, we were just happy to skip and leap around the room. We later tried out for CDT, made it into the company and thus began our lives together and awareness of each other. Our mom's set up a carpool; we started out as enemies (life's greatest mystery) and then became great friends... the rest is a great history
Pep Talk
I graduated from USU in May, worked for USU until September, moved home, traveled for two months and now the job hunt has begun. It's time to be a grown up and get a big kid job. Ok, I don't actually want to be a grown up but I'm going to get a big kid job and I'm going to rock it... in a professional sophisticated way of course. Well today I had my first interview and I was bit nervous... ok I was freaked but I got over it. As I was getting ready I started thinking about pep talks from movies that have made me laugh and the first one that came to mind was Cool Runnings!
Cool Runnings
See, it would make sense to think of a speech given by the coach to the team but nope... that's not what I thought of. For all those Cool Runnings fans out there, you know there is an even BETTER pep talk found in the movie. It's the pep talk between Junior and Yul Brenner in the men's bathroom at the bar. See, Junior's whole life he has never stood up for himself even though he has big dreams and Yul Brenner sees this and he's fed up with it. So he pulls Junior into the bathroom, has him stand in from on the mirror and says, "Tell me what you see?!" and eventually Yul Brenner has Junior repeating after him, yelling, "I have pride! I have power! I am a bad a** mother who wont take no crap off of nobody!" AGAIN
Then I thought of a friends episode where Chandler is trying to quit smoking and Rachel lends him a tape from her co-worker and Chandler is supposed to listen to the tape while sleeping. The best part is, the tape is meant for a woman who is trying to quit smoking and it constantly repeats, "You are a strong, confident woman who does not need to smoke. Strong and confident." This later leads to some hilarious effects on Chandler.
Miracle- Herb Brooks Speech
But my most favorite pep talk comes from a youtube clip of this 8-year-old reciting the speech Herb Brooks gives in the movie Miracle. This kid is hilarious! Watch the youtube clip! Watch his eyes... when he gets serious... they get big.
"We shut them down because we... CAN!"
"You were born to be hockey players. Every one-n-ya"
"This is YOUR time, now go out there and take it!"
Cool Runnings
See, it would make sense to think of a speech given by the coach to the team but nope... that's not what I thought of. For all those Cool Runnings fans out there, you know there is an even BETTER pep talk found in the movie. It's the pep talk between Junior and Yul Brenner in the men's bathroom at the bar. See, Junior's whole life he has never stood up for himself even though he has big dreams and Yul Brenner sees this and he's fed up with it. So he pulls Junior into the bathroom, has him stand in from on the mirror and says, "Tell me what you see?!" and eventually Yul Brenner has Junior repeating after him, yelling, "I have pride! I have power! I am a bad a** mother who wont take no crap off of nobody!" AGAIN
Then I thought of a friends episode where Chandler is trying to quit smoking and Rachel lends him a tape from her co-worker and Chandler is supposed to listen to the tape while sleeping. The best part is, the tape is meant for a woman who is trying to quit smoking and it constantly repeats, "You are a strong, confident woman who does not need to smoke. Strong and confident." This later leads to some hilarious effects on Chandler.
Miracle- Herb Brooks Speech
But my most favorite pep talk comes from a youtube clip of this 8-year-old reciting the speech Herb Brooks gives in the movie Miracle. This kid is hilarious! Watch the youtube clip! Watch his eyes... when he gets serious... they get big.
"We shut them down because we... CAN!"
"You were born to be hockey players. Every one-n-ya"
"This is YOUR time, now go out there and take it!"
I finally started a blog!
I finally started a blog! Pretty sure it's been on my list of things to do for... well... ever. But then when a free moment came from church, school or work I thought I rather live life, have some fun, rather than post something on a blog. So... it kept getting pushed down the "To Do" list. Yeah, sure, I always had to have a blog for my major but that was always professional stuff. I'm pretty sure you would appreciate that I didn't direct you to a blog full of press release assignments and other AWESOME PR things.
THEN I finally created this blog back in July but I couldn't find a background I liked. See I'm a bit anti-floral/cutesy blog backgrounds (it's ok if you have the cutesy blog background and let's be honest; i'm pretty sure my next background will be something of that sort!) and I couldn't seem to find one I liked... so new blog address... nothing on it! I finally buckled down, found a background I liked and now... here it is! the OH HEY THERE BY AMY blog. (with the help of my cute cousin-in-law: Chrissie. She suggested some blog sites, ones that I thought I had checked for backgrounds but I like Chrissie's style so I went to check again and I found my background... woot!)
Now one might say, "What a weirdo, she didn't start the blog because she couldn't find a background?" Well... that is correct and that's just how I am. It's just like how in college I loved to buy Tostino's Pizzas for snacks/meals. They were great! and only $1. Then they raised them five cents and I stopped buying them. No idea why... I guess they just didn't seem appetizing at $1.05. And that's the type of random stuff you will get to read on my blog!
THEN I finally created this blog back in July but I couldn't find a background I liked. See I'm a bit anti-floral/cutesy blog backgrounds (it's ok if you have the cutesy blog background and let's be honest; i'm pretty sure my next background will be something of that sort!) and I couldn't seem to find one I liked... so new blog address... nothing on it! I finally buckled down, found a background I liked and now... here it is! the OH HEY THERE BY AMY blog. (with the help of my cute cousin-in-law: Chrissie. She suggested some blog sites, ones that I thought I had checked for backgrounds but I like Chrissie's style so I went to check again and I found my background... woot!)
Now one might say, "What a weirdo, she didn't start the blog because she couldn't find a background?" Well... that is correct and that's just how I am. It's just like how in college I loved to buy Tostino's Pizzas for snacks/meals. They were great! and only $1. Then they raised them five cents and I stopped buying them. No idea why... I guess they just didn't seem appetizing at $1.05. And that's the type of random stuff you will get to read on my blog!
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