This thursday I will be going to the doctor. See, I haven't been to a doctor since I was 15 and I still went to my pediatrician. Well back in November I got sick, not that I haven't since I was 15 it was just enough that I actually wanted to go to the doctor. Well, I'm a "big kid" now and I should be going to a "big kid" doctor. Well the doctor I called wouldn't see me until I was an established patient which means I have to go in for a physical. Woot! That's what everyone wants! Thursday is my day!
I am currently filling out the Patient History forms that I have to take with me... here's how it is going:
Q:What is he main reason for this visit
A; You're making me
Q: Date of Birth
A: October, 17, 19**
Q: Age Now?
A: Pretty sure I just gave you my birth date
Q:Marital Status
A:Single and I'm happy with that so don't judge me
Q:Smoking Status
A: Yuck!
Q:Do you follow a special diet?
A: Yup! What ever my heart desires
Q: How many days per week do you exercise
A: I don't understand the question
Q: Do you wear your seat belt?
A: Always (will you turn me in if I answer honestly)
Wish me luck! If they have to take some blood I'm a goner!!!
Mickey D's 89 cent hamburgers
McDonald's have these hamburgers (if you could EVEN begin to describe them as hamburgers. They're more like those pretend food toys we had as children. There is no way there is an ounce of nutrients in those things, unless you count the ketchup because it has a slight representation of tomatoes...)
Back to what I was saying before my thought process interrupted my blogger voice... McD's has these hamburgers that are 89 cents and every 5 to 7 months I get a weird, can't stop thinking about it, craving for one. Well my craving came about this week and I needed a quick fast dinner so what do I do you may ask, well I would love to tell you what I did (hence the blogging). I killed two birds with one stone. (not an actual stone or real birds because that's just sad and mean and well... have you seen me throw!) I succumbed to the craving before it got out of hand and I completed my task of getting me dinner. (good job pat on the back) I had a fruit smoothie for breakfast and a salad for lunch, so I wasn't lacking in nutrients for the day... why not. But I went a step farther, yup I sure did... I bought TWO 89 cent hamburgers! Whooooooa! What can I say people, I'm living on the edge!
By the end of the second burger I regretted it; kind of like when you don't like to eat hotdogs but when you go to a bon fire or a baseball game you can't help but eat a hotdog because they seem so appetizing in those settings but by the last bite you're thinking... THAT'S why I don't like hotdogs. Well... I'm pretty sure I still have a psychotic love for my 89 cent hamburger... but since I ate TWO I probably wont eat my next one for the next 10-14 months.
Back to what I was saying before my thought process interrupted my blogger voice... McD's has these hamburgers that are 89 cents and every 5 to 7 months I get a weird, can't stop thinking about it, craving for one. Well my craving came about this week and I needed a quick fast dinner so what do I do you may ask, well I would love to tell you what I did (hence the blogging). I killed two birds with one stone. (not an actual stone or real birds because that's just sad and mean and well... have you seen me throw!) I succumbed to the craving before it got out of hand and I completed my task of getting me dinner. (good job pat on the back) I had a fruit smoothie for breakfast and a salad for lunch, so I wasn't lacking in nutrients for the day... why not. But I went a step farther, yup I sure did... I bought TWO 89 cent hamburgers! Whooooooa! What can I say people, I'm living on the edge!
By the end of the second burger I regretted it; kind of like when you don't like to eat hotdogs but when you go to a bon fire or a baseball game you can't help but eat a hotdog because they seem so appetizing in those settings but by the last bite you're thinking... THAT'S why I don't like hotdogs. Well... I'm pretty sure I still have a psychotic love for my 89 cent hamburger... but since I ate TWO I probably wont eat my next one for the next 10-14 months.
I Got Married!
So last night I had this dream that I GOT MARRIED! And I didn't even like the guy... it was awful!
The Dream:
So I'm at Seattle Grace Hospital talking with Meredith Grey and Dr. Derek Shepherd, aka "Dr. McDreamy," and then I blink and I'm at Santa's North Pole. (Of course there is no transition: a fade out and back in, a fuzzied image, etc. Nope... because in a dream that is totally normal... who would ever question being in one places, blinking, and then being in a completely different region... no biggie)
Now this Santa's North Pole isn't wintery... it's summer and it looks a lot like what Harry Potter's Diagon Alley should look like. I'm walking by myself down a side street and it is evening; but it's one of those pleasant warm night's that isn't a sad dark, it's like a light dark... you know?! (If you don't know, stop reading... you're no fun) Well, I'm walking and then I hear an announcement over an intercom, while bells ding DONG in the distance, and the voice says, "it is time." By those three simple words I KNOW that is time for celebrations and its for me and I don't want it. So I round the corner and there's this guy with his buddies, and I know he's with me. Now this guy, he's kind of chubby and him and his friends remind me of the Jack Blacks and Kevin Jameses (who I like as actors but this is reality in the dream and that's just not cool)
Well one of the guys in the group is like, "get your wife!" and the guy comes over and holds my hand AND THEN THE STREETS FILL WITH PEOPLE AND THEY'RE SO EXCITED FOR US! (apparently we're already married and it's time to celebrate) It's a party (but I don't want to be married to him, I never wanted to be married to him. He's a nice guy and I don't have anything against him, I just don't want to "be with him." It's like I said no, but nobody listened, so married him to please people and I hated it.) THEN in the crowd of people somebody picks me up and yells something like, "She's the bride" something that makes it ok to pick me up and BEGIN CROWD SURFING ME! Sure... why not! She's tiny and the BRIDE! THEN It's like the party becomes multi-levels of people and I run into my friend Angela's husband, Sterling and it's like he can see the pain in my eyes and feels bad for me... so he bought me a breakfast muffin.
And then I woke up....
shocked voice to myself.... I got married.
The Dream:
So I'm at Seattle Grace Hospital talking with Meredith Grey and Dr. Derek Shepherd, aka "Dr. McDreamy," and then I blink and I'm at Santa's North Pole. (Of course there is no transition: a fade out and back in, a fuzzied image, etc. Nope... because in a dream that is totally normal... who would ever question being in one places, blinking, and then being in a completely different region... no biggie)
Now this Santa's North Pole isn't wintery... it's summer and it looks a lot like what Harry Potter's Diagon Alley should look like. I'm walking by myself down a side street and it is evening; but it's one of those pleasant warm night's that isn't a sad dark, it's like a light dark... you know?! (If you don't know, stop reading... you're no fun) Well, I'm walking and then I hear an announcement over an intercom, while bells ding DONG in the distance, and the voice says, "it is time." By those three simple words I KNOW that is time for celebrations and its for me and I don't want it. So I round the corner and there's this guy with his buddies, and I know he's with me. Now this guy, he's kind of chubby and him and his friends remind me of the Jack Blacks and Kevin Jameses (who I like as actors but this is reality in the dream and that's just not cool)
Well one of the guys in the group is like, "get your wife!" and the guy comes over and holds my hand AND THEN THE STREETS FILL WITH PEOPLE AND THEY'RE SO EXCITED FOR US! (apparently we're already married and it's time to celebrate) It's a party (but I don't want to be married to him, I never wanted to be married to him. He's a nice guy and I don't have anything against him, I just don't want to "be with him." It's like I said no, but nobody listened, so married him to please people and I hated it.) THEN in the crowd of people somebody picks me up and yells something like, "She's the bride" something that makes it ok to pick me up and BEGIN CROWD SURFING ME! Sure... why not! She's tiny and the BRIDE! THEN It's like the party becomes multi-levels of people and I run into my friend Angela's husband, Sterling and it's like he can see the pain in my eyes and feels bad for me... so he bought me a breakfast muffin.
And then I woke up....
shocked voice to myself.... I got married.
2010 Review
What a year! I don't really live with regrets, I mean I could maybe name a few but I'd have to think about it, so maybe every year is pretty awesome but here's why 2010 was pretty super!
Trips I took:
San Francisco and Snowboarding in Lake Tahoe for my last Spring Break
Went to Jackson Hole for a day of white water rafting
Took many day trips to float the Oneida River in Idaho (my favorite thing in the summer)
Took the A-Team to my cabin for a memorable weekend
Had many weekend excursions to Park City
I bought an All You Can Jet pass through JetBlue and went to Vegas, Boston, Maine, New Orleans and DC
San Diego with my family!
Lake Powell with my cousin and his friends (I learned how to wake board... woot! (learned... not expert!))
Cancun with my Parents and Grandpa
Fav Youtubes
My Pushup Bra Will Help Me Get My Man Back
Harvard Sailing Team-Boys will be Girls
Old Spice Commercial
The Tweet That Made My Day and Made Me LOL
"The Cougarettes wear barrettes... Enough said"
My Favorite Movies
Alice In Wonderland
How to Train Your Dragon
Bands I didn't know about/I have started to listen to
Vampire Weekend
Tegan and Sarah
One Republic
Kate Nash
Band of Horses
I'm also a huge fan of my Teen Pop station on Pandora
I GRADUATED from Utah State University... I'm a Graduate! Haha... now what?!
Registered for Aggie License Plates
I got a "grown up" job
Favorite Concert I Went To: Vampire Weekend! They are so much fun and awesome live
Had another awesome year on USU's A-Team
Went on a random photoshoot one night with a friend... so simple but it was a BLAST

I learned how to:
Play the piano
Use my iphone haha
Play Canasta
People In my life:
People got married, people died, babies were born, people decided they were gay, people went on missions... I graduated from college, worked, played and traveled
Here's to a swan dive into a new year!
Trips I took:
San Francisco and Snowboarding in Lake Tahoe for my last Spring Break
Went to Jackson Hole for a day of white water rafting
Took many day trips to float the Oneida River in Idaho (my favorite thing in the summer)
Took the A-Team to my cabin for a memorable weekend
Had many weekend excursions to Park City
I bought an All You Can Jet pass through JetBlue and went to Vegas, Boston, Maine, New Orleans and DC
San Diego with my family!
Lake Powell with my cousin and his friends (I learned how to wake board... woot! (learned... not expert!))
Cancun with my Parents and Grandpa
Fav Youtubes
My Pushup Bra Will Help Me Get My Man Back
Harvard Sailing Team-Boys will be Girls
Old Spice Commercial
The Tweet That Made My Day and Made Me LOL
"The Cougarettes wear barrettes... Enough said"
My Favorite Movies
Alice In Wonderland
How to Train Your Dragon
Bands I didn't know about/I have started to listen to
Vampire Weekend
Tegan and Sarah
One Republic
Kate Nash
Band of Horses
I'm also a huge fan of my Teen Pop station on Pandora
I GRADUATED from Utah State University... I'm a Graduate! Haha... now what?!
Registered for Aggie License Plates
I got a "grown up" job
Favorite Concert I Went To: Vampire Weekend! They are so much fun and awesome live
Had another awesome year on USU's A-Team
Went on a random photoshoot one night with a friend... so simple but it was a BLAST
I learned how to:
Play the piano
Use my iphone haha
Play Canasta
People In my life:
People got married, people died, babies were born, people decided they were gay, people went on missions... I graduated from college, worked, played and traveled
Here's to a swan dive into a new year!
2011 Reading List
Something about me... I like to read. I used to read all the time but in college it just didn't happen. Once in awhile of course but not nearly as much as I would have liked. Last year I tried to break the busyness by reading all of the Chronicles of Narnia books. I've always wanted to say I've read them all, they're small and an easy read (that's because they're children books... I have no shame!) so why not! I got my reading fix in for the year, I was able to cross something off my bucket-list and I got to enter the world of Narnia seven times!
My preferred form of reading is fiction. I like to escape to other worlds, other adventures, other mysteries, etc. Once in awhile I get intrigued by a biography but I have yet to actually read one. Maybe that will be my book list next year... THIS YEAR'S book list is an assortment of recommendations, gifts, books that I have started and need to finish (yup... I used to have to only read ONE book at a time but in college with limited time I ventured into the world of "I'll read what I'm in the mood for... mmmk? ok!" and would jump around from book to book. Some kept my attention longer and were finished but others came and went with interest but I don't like NOT finishing things) and books that I have gotten that I want to say I have read.
So here is my reading list for the year. Feel free to join in! I'll blog about each book after I have read them. My plan is to finish each book every 3-4 weeks. Now if you are not the fan of reading any of these books but you are just DYING to have a book discussion with me, I suppose I could read Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss and we could discuss why he would not eat them in a box with a fox :)
Big Cherry Holler by Adriana Trigiani (recommended by my aunt: this is at the top of the list because she lent me this book to read when our families got together for thanksgiving... in 2009!)
Peace Like a River by Leif Enger (also recommended by my aunt and needs to be returned ASAP)
The History of Love by Nicole Krauss (given to me by a favorite friend, co-worker and roommie, Dione. She gave it to me because it "has a lot of heart and human emotion." I started it when she gave it to me but it was kind of depressing so I lost motivation but then a bunch of people that worked with me read it and loved it; so I've decided to get back into it plus I wanted to finish anyways for Dione.)
The Work and the Glory Vol. 7 No Unhallowed Hand (I started reading the Work and the Glories my senior year of high school. I have loved them. I think I learn better with fiction characters who you get attached to but have realistic events happen to them. I know the Work and the Glory isn't factual but it has been nice to get personaly attached to my church's history and understand where it began, grew and moved. I got through the first ones way fast but I have been on the 7th book for about 3 years (oops!), I'm not even sure who I borrowed it from (BIGGER OOPS). It's just that they have developed SO MANY characters now that the story is moving a lot slower because they have to cover everyone's story but I still want to be able to say that I have read the whole series eventually but it is at least time to finish this one.)
Peter and the Shadow Thieves by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson (another children's book... heck yeah! This is the second book in a series about how Peter Pan becomes Peter Pan. I LOVED the first one and am excited for this one. I kind of have a romantic connection to the Peter Pan story. I grew up playing "Peter Pan" in the backyard of my friend's (from the diaper days) backyard. To this day we talk about not growing up, finding some fairy dust and going to Neverland)
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (When I read the Princess Diaries books the grandmother (who unlike in the movie is pretty scary, strict and mean) makes the princess read Jane Eyre because she says that royalty, especially princesses, should read Jane Eyre. Ha, well I like to imagine myself as royal so why not ;) That is what first put my mind to it but as I have gotten older I just thought it would be neat to read a classic)
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (So, about 5-10 years ago my dad said he would give 50 bucks to each of his children who read this book... haha clearly the $50 was an incentive to me because I still haven't read it. But I've decided it's good to read something that makes you reflect once in awhile and gives you ideas to improve in your life... so I'm finally going to read my dad's recommendation and hey! now I get to buy 50 Jr. Bacon Cheese Burgers)
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (I've never seen the movie or play... I KNOW... SHOCKER! But I think it is another classic that would be cool to read. Plus I asked for the book for Christmas in 2009... it's time to read it)
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas (Love Love Love the movie... I've heard the book is way different but I still want to read the book because I'm an avid believer that is better to read the book then just see the movie... even though I LOVE my movies)
Utopia by Sir Thomas More (This is the book that Danielle reads in Ever After, over and over again and I love that movie so I wanted to read the book... see what she's talking so passionately about)
The Three Musketeers by Alexander Dumas (Another classic I think would be able to say I've read and it's another one given to me for Christmas in 2009 and I'm thinking before I can ask for more books I need to read those ones)
Twenty Years After by Alexander Dumas (The sequel to The Three Musketeers... who knew?!)
Mount Vernon Love Story by Mary Higgins Clark (Not a mystery or murder mystery... for realsies. Just a love story about Martha and George Washington recommended by some lovable friends at USU. I visited DC this year and loved it and loved my visit to Mount Vernon and loved learning about George Washington.)
The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins (Recommended to me by my cousin and his awesome wife... I promised them I would read it ASAP! But then I realized my stack of books already waiting ever so patiently to be read.... so if I don't make it to them in 2011... then HELLO 2012!)
My preferred form of reading is fiction. I like to escape to other worlds, other adventures, other mysteries, etc. Once in awhile I get intrigued by a biography but I have yet to actually read one. Maybe that will be my book list next year... THIS YEAR'S book list is an assortment of recommendations, gifts, books that I have started and need to finish (yup... I used to have to only read ONE book at a time but in college with limited time I ventured into the world of "I'll read what I'm in the mood for... mmmk? ok!" and would jump around from book to book. Some kept my attention longer and were finished but others came and went with interest but I don't like NOT finishing things) and books that I have gotten that I want to say I have read.
So here is my reading list for the year. Feel free to join in! I'll blog about each book after I have read them. My plan is to finish each book every 3-4 weeks. Now if you are not the fan of reading any of these books but you are just DYING to have a book discussion with me, I suppose I could read Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss and we could discuss why he would not eat them in a box with a fox :)
Big Cherry Holler by Adriana Trigiani (recommended by my aunt: this is at the top of the list because she lent me this book to read when our families got together for thanksgiving... in 2009!)
Peace Like a River by Leif Enger (also recommended by my aunt and needs to be returned ASAP)
The History of Love by Nicole Krauss (given to me by a favorite friend, co-worker and roommie, Dione. She gave it to me because it "has a lot of heart and human emotion." I started it when she gave it to me but it was kind of depressing so I lost motivation but then a bunch of people that worked with me read it and loved it; so I've decided to get back into it plus I wanted to finish anyways for Dione.)
The Work and the Glory Vol. 7 No Unhallowed Hand (I started reading the Work and the Glories my senior year of high school. I have loved them. I think I learn better with fiction characters who you get attached to but have realistic events happen to them. I know the Work and the Glory isn't factual but it has been nice to get personaly attached to my church's history and understand where it began, grew and moved. I got through the first ones way fast but I have been on the 7th book for about 3 years (oops!), I'm not even sure who I borrowed it from (BIGGER OOPS). It's just that they have developed SO MANY characters now that the story is moving a lot slower because they have to cover everyone's story but I still want to be able to say that I have read the whole series eventually but it is at least time to finish this one.)
Peter and the Shadow Thieves by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson (another children's book... heck yeah! This is the second book in a series about how Peter Pan becomes Peter Pan. I LOVED the first one and am excited for this one. I kind of have a romantic connection to the Peter Pan story. I grew up playing "Peter Pan" in the backyard of my friend's (from the diaper days) backyard. To this day we talk about not growing up, finding some fairy dust and going to Neverland)
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (When I read the Princess Diaries books the grandmother (who unlike in the movie is pretty scary, strict and mean) makes the princess read Jane Eyre because she says that royalty, especially princesses, should read Jane Eyre. Ha, well I like to imagine myself as royal so why not ;) That is what first put my mind to it but as I have gotten older I just thought it would be neat to read a classic)
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (So, about 5-10 years ago my dad said he would give 50 bucks to each of his children who read this book... haha clearly the $50 was an incentive to me because I still haven't read it. But I've decided it's good to read something that makes you reflect once in awhile and gives you ideas to improve in your life... so I'm finally going to read my dad's recommendation and hey! now I get to buy 50 Jr. Bacon Cheese Burgers)
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (I've never seen the movie or play... I KNOW... SHOCKER! But I think it is another classic that would be cool to read. Plus I asked for the book for Christmas in 2009... it's time to read it)
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas (Love Love Love the movie... I've heard the book is way different but I still want to read the book because I'm an avid believer that is better to read the book then just see the movie... even though I LOVE my movies)
Utopia by Sir Thomas More (This is the book that Danielle reads in Ever After, over and over again and I love that movie so I wanted to read the book... see what she's talking so passionately about)
The Three Musketeers by Alexander Dumas (Another classic I think would be able to say I've read and it's another one given to me for Christmas in 2009 and I'm thinking before I can ask for more books I need to read those ones)
Twenty Years After by Alexander Dumas (The sequel to The Three Musketeers... who knew?!)
Mount Vernon Love Story by Mary Higgins Clark (Not a mystery or murder mystery... for realsies. Just a love story about Martha and George Washington recommended by some lovable friends at USU. I visited DC this year and loved it and loved my visit to Mount Vernon and loved learning about George Washington.)
The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins (Recommended to me by my cousin and his awesome wife... I promised them I would read it ASAP! But then I realized my stack of books already waiting ever so patiently to be read.... so if I don't make it to them in 2011... then HELLO 2012!)
So I have this dilemma... obviously it is not huge... people are starving in the world and I'm worried about this:
See when I moved home from Logan I also left the university's fieldhouse; I now no longer have a place to work out... not that I went that often. If I ever had the choice between the gym and well anything... I did anything. But I still liked having the choice. I do like the occasional run but I do better at it on a treadmill and if I'm going to find a treadmill I might as well make a workout session out of it and do the whole sha-bang: treadmill, glider thing, bike, stretch. The treadmill was always may preference; 1) because it looked over the basketball courts and I loved watching the guys play basketball (whisper: especially shirts and skins, hahaha), and 2) because I just love running. There is something melodic about it and when those endorphins kick in welp it is the best natural high.
My other preferred form of working out is in a group: yoga, pilates, kick-boxing, DANCING, etc. I like the socialization of it and I like having someone there to push me. Plus, when it comes to dancing, I love it. There is something about dance... it's where I come alive and it's an awesome workout!
So... the dilemma.... where do I go now to work out. Yeah, I could just do it at home but that never works out. I've looked into places with punch cards for classes; RDT-an adult professional modern dance company but they teach all sorts of dance classes as well, The Sports Mall-yoga, pilates, zumba, aerobics, spinning, etc and if I get a membership there then I also have workout equipment, A Lady in my ward has a yoga studio with a few other classes like zumba but it is bit pricy, Golds Gym- my cousin's wife, whom I really like, goes there often so I would have a buddy to go with....
(Side note: I haven't tried zumba yet but I feel like it's the new thing! But I also feel like it attracts soccer moms/ Draper moms in their need to fulfill their trendy ways... so do I wait for them to give up after two weeks of realizing they don't have what it takes and let the fad fade and then jump into the tail end of zumba existence?)
So... where do I go? AND now I've waited so long to decide and now it's the new year and all these people have new years resolutions to loose weight and so they're all buying gym memberships... I don't want to be grouped with them! So now I have to wait for mid-February/ early-March to buy my pass (that's usually by the time all those "I'm going to loose weight this year" people stop going to the gym).
WHERE and WHEN? Ha... that is what my dilemma is... pretty much when I actually care I'll just pick one and start going... right now I'm going to continue to love my body, eat amazing food and gain some winter insulation!
See when I moved home from Logan I also left the university's fieldhouse; I now no longer have a place to work out... not that I went that often. If I ever had the choice between the gym and well anything... I did anything. But I still liked having the choice. I do like the occasional run but I do better at it on a treadmill and if I'm going to find a treadmill I might as well make a workout session out of it and do the whole sha-bang: treadmill, glider thing, bike, stretch. The treadmill was always may preference; 1) because it looked over the basketball courts and I loved watching the guys play basketball (whisper: especially shirts and skins, hahaha), and 2) because I just love running. There is something melodic about it and when those endorphins kick in welp it is the best natural high.
My other preferred form of working out is in a group: yoga, pilates, kick-boxing, DANCING, etc. I like the socialization of it and I like having someone there to push me. Plus, when it comes to dancing, I love it. There is something about dance... it's where I come alive and it's an awesome workout!
So... the dilemma.... where do I go now to work out. Yeah, I could just do it at home but that never works out. I've looked into places with punch cards for classes; RDT-an adult professional modern dance company but they teach all sorts of dance classes as well, The Sports Mall-yoga, pilates, zumba, aerobics, spinning, etc and if I get a membership there then I also have workout equipment, A Lady in my ward has a yoga studio with a few other classes like zumba but it is bit pricy, Golds Gym- my cousin's wife, whom I really like, goes there often so I would have a buddy to go with....
(Side note: I haven't tried zumba yet but I feel like it's the new thing! But I also feel like it attracts soccer moms/ Draper moms in their need to fulfill their trendy ways... so do I wait for them to give up after two weeks of realizing they don't have what it takes and let the fad fade and then jump into the tail end of zumba existence?)
So... where do I go? AND now I've waited so long to decide and now it's the new year and all these people have new years resolutions to loose weight and so they're all buying gym memberships... I don't want to be grouped with them! So now I have to wait for mid-February/ early-March to buy my pass (that's usually by the time all those "I'm going to loose weight this year" people stop going to the gym).
WHERE and WHEN? Ha... that is what my dilemma is... pretty much when I actually care I'll just pick one and start going... right now I'm going to continue to love my body, eat amazing food and gain some winter insulation!
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