
What is Love?

My brother recently got married and for the wedding dinner we decided to incorporate into the center pieces something from all of the nieces and nephews. We asked each of the nieces and nephews What Love was or what it meant to them and had their quotes on display as part of the center piece. I thought it would be fun to share their answers:

"Well, ok... to me, love is a feeling. That you care for someone." -8-year-old

"To like people and love your family." - 6-year-old

"Jesus!" - 5-year-old

"Talking to each other... Love is roses" - 9-year-old

"To kiss lips" - 5-year-old

(My personal favorite of the quotes)
"It's best friends forever... and chocolate milk!" - 2-year-old

"Love? Love is kissy, smoochy stuff." - 10-year-old

"Love means like a heart, and flowers and presents." - 8-year-old

"Love is hugging and kissing." - 6-year-old

"Love means hugs and kisses." 7-year-old

"Being nice to your friends and playing with them and being good." 3-year-old

We also asked the nieces and nephews for some marriage advice for the happy couple. These were some of my favorite advices:

"Do the hotdog dance." - 2-year-old

"Go on adventures!" - 6-year-old

"Give lots of birthday presents!" - 4-year-old

"Have fun!" - 10-year-old

"Love is always good." - 7-year-old


"Aw Man!" Moments

You know, sometimes in life we have those, "Aw man!" moments. They are those moments when you are thinking, "Really? Really? Did that just happen." But hopefully we just laugh our "Aw man" moments off; life is too short to fester on the embarrassment that sometimes comes with them.

Here are some examples of "Aw Man" moments if you don't know what I am talking about:

Sneezing seconds after eating a cracker.

Running into a hot guy, you haven't seen in years, after running at the gym.

Having the bottom of your skirt get tucked into the top of your red panties in the back, after using the restroom, and walking down the hall back to your desk not realizing the show you were giving people until sitting down on your chair. (Sadly, yes, this did happen to me)

Throwing trash away in one of those counters with a hole in it and then realizing the garbage can is not in there.

While driving into work one day I ate some toast for my breakfast. It took me a good 2 hours at work to realize that I had toast crumbs on each of my cheeks... (sarcastic) awesome.

This was a close Aw man moment:
One day at work the ties on my dress fell into the toilet when I went to the bathroom! Hahahaha. Good thing I caught them in time and so only the tips of the ties had to take a little dip. AND LUCKILY I hadn’t peed yet. Phew... what an exciting day.


Well said Winnie The Pooh, Well Said

You know, Winnie the Pooh is fictional character but yet A.A. Milne says some wonderful things through him and all of the characters of the Hundred Acer Woods. The things are simple but sometimes simple is just what we need to express how we really feel, a reminder to look for the good in others (refering to the weed quote), give encouragement that is needed and to define love. So here is my simple blog post and a few of my favorite A.A. Milne quotes from Winnie the Pooh:

Promise me you'll always remember; You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. 

One of the advantages of being disorganized is that one is always having surprising discoveries.
Weeds are flowers, too, once you get to know them.

You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.

The things that make me different are what make me.

"Sometime," said Pooh "the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."

What day is it? -Pooh
It's today - squeeked Piglet
My favorite day! - Pooh

I found these quotes at http://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/81466.A_A_Milne