
It's October!

Why Hello October! Happy to see ya!

You know how there are our regular calendar holidays and then there are these random holidays like "Hug Your Dog Day" or something. Well, since October is one of my favorite months, I thought I would share the random holidays of October, found at Holiday Insights, for you.

The Month of October is the following: Adopt a dog month, Apple Jack Month, Awareness Month, Cookie Month (Oh! I like that! Let's all make cookies and give them to someone who might be lonely or something.), International Drum Month, Pizza Month (Awesome!), National Popcorn Popping (Haha, let's make sure to sing "the song" multiple times this month... don't forget to bounce out of your chair.), and Sarcastic Month.

Each of the Days:
1st World Vegetarian Day
2nd Name Your Car Day
3rd Virus Appreciation Day (odd)
4th National Golf Day
5th Do Something Nice Day (I agree! The world needs more of this)
6th Mad Hatter Day
7th Bald and Free Day
8th American Touch Tag Day
9th Curious Events Day
10th National Angel Food Cake Day
11th Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day
12th Moment of Frustration Day (haha... um ok?)
13th International Skeptics Day
14th National Dessert Day
15th White Cane Safety Day
16th Dictionary Day (Learn a new word and use it!)
17th Wear Something Gaudy Day
18th No Beard Day
19th National Newspaper Carrier Day (Watch Newsies!)
20th Brandied Fruit Day
21st Count Your Buttons Day
22nd National Nut Day
23rd National Mole Day
24th National Bologna Day
25th World Pasta Day
26th Make a Difference Day (Big or small it all makes a difference so why not do something)
27th National Tell A Story Day
28th Plush Animal Lover's Day
29th National Frankenstein Day
30th Mischief Night
31st Besides it be Halloween it is also Increase You Physic Powers Day

Happy Halloween and October!