
Let's Look at Life in a Different Light

I ran across this Coca-Cola commercial and I know it is an ad but I liked that it shows people doing good things without having a personal agenda or motive for themselves. I think with such a fast paced society, filled with instant gratification, it can be easy not to look around once in a while and see that there's more to society than just ourselves. Sometimes I see something that I could do for someone else and I think about doing it and then I decide I am too busy or that it doesn't matter. I kick myself and feel guilty every time I do this. It really can be so simple to take the time, even a small 30 seconds to 5 minutes, to do something for someone else each day.  The thing is, that small 30 seconds probably would mean the world to that person. Just think what the world could be like with that attitude and think how much happier we probably all would be.

The video also shows people enjoying life in its little moments; something I sometimes forget to do. But I think finding joy in those little moments is really want life is all about and those little moments are really the ones that matter.

Anyways, I just liked this and wanted to share. The original commercial played the song, "Give a little bit" but because of copyright stuff they had to change to YouTube version.


If you knew you were going to die tomorrow...

If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you today? Do you ever think about that?

On a fun level, I would want to have a dance party with my college friends, go boating or have a pool party with my close friends that I grew up with, spend the rest of the day with my family having a big potluck and playing games; badminton, croquet, woofleball, cards, etc. and then have a late sleepover with my dance friends.

If I didn't have people in my life that I loved, I would jump on a plane and go to a beautiful place that I have never been and eat delicious food, read a favorite book and take some pictures.

On a serious note; I think it is hard to really know what you really would decide to do if you were going to die tomorrow. I think I would at least want to be with my family. I don't know if I would just want to sit and enjoy their company or if I would want to go do activities. I don't know if I would want them to know that I knew I was going to die or if I would just enjoy the time without the sadness.

I've always said that I would like to send a thank you note to everyone in my life that I love and have appreciated their influence on my life. If I had those notes ready, I would mail those out on my "last" day.

Maybe I would try to do one more thing on my bucket list; something I've never done before as a last hoorah!

What would you do if you knew you were going to die tomorrow?