
A Minute Is A Very Long Time

Do you ever have little life lessons that never leave you? The day I started 5th grade, many years ago, Mrs. T. told us she wanted us to hold still and not do anything or say anything for an entire minute. That minute was the longest minute of my life; I was very much aware of the time, the stillness of the room and nothing happening. When the minute was up we all erupted into outbursts of, "that was hard!" and "that took forever!"

Once we calmed down, Mrs. T. said, "Now that you realize how LONG one minute can be, I don't want to ever hear you say, 'well there is only 3 minutes left, it's not worth doing that or starting that.' because you can do so much in just one minute."

One more life lesson teaching me to use time wisely (not that I always do it), to make every minute count, and to make the most of, even the tiniest of, things.