Last year I went to Maine to visit a friend going to school there. As we were road-tripping around the state we had a lot of fun days of themed conversations: Boys, Education and Teachers who we feel made a difference in our lives, Things we Love, Life, etc., but it all started with "Things We Hate."
We were driving in the car and Melinda offered me some gum. Well very few people know this about me but I hate gum. For some reason it disgusts me and makes me gag. I can't stand when people make bubbles or pull strings of it out of their mouth or chew it like a cow. I especially hate when you step in it! Usually I just turn people down and say, "thank you anyways" (Though sometimes I wonder if my breath stinks and if I need to pop in a mint) and then move on and nobody seems to notice.
Well, Melinda noticed this time and asked, "Do you even like gum?"I then shyly admitted to Melinda (who I've known since 3rd grade) that I hated gum and I had since I was about 5. Surprisingly, Melinda replied and said, "You know! I think it is good to hate some things." And thus started a day of talking about things we hated. Not in a negative kind of way just kind of like things that we disliked that people didn't know about us. The next day we talked about all the things we loved and then every day from that we had a theme to our conversations.
So... here are a few things I hate:
- Gum... as discussed above.
- People who say, "That's so gay"
- Wow, that is a GREAT way to strike a nerve with me. All it tells me about you is that you have no consideration for another's feelings and you don't really understand what you are saying. I mean common, let's be a little more intelligent with your language.
- People who treat me like I am innocent and naive.
- Being cold! (Though I do love a white winter/Christmas snow, snowboarding and wrapping up in a really good blanket with a book on a cold raining day)
- Throwing up! Especially when it comes out of your nose (Ugh, that's an image)
- People at the airport who wait in their car at the pick-up curb instead of using the park and wait. "Hello Looser! You're the reason the system doesn't work and there's always some type of traffic jam in the pick-up lanes. Yeah! You! Go back to the park and wait and use this magical thing called a cell phone to find out when your traveler is actually coming out to the curb" I've actually never said that aloud; though I'm very "mature" when this happens and have no shame as I stare angrily at these dumb drivers. Beware of the Amy glare.
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