
Oh Jimmy

When I went to live with my friend for a month in Connecticut we attended the Yale YSA branch and were instantly engulfed into their "family" unit. It was fun to get to know and spend time with all of these people from around the US who were attending college, employed as nannies or born and raised in the area. One of these fine, but interesting, people was Jimmy. Jimmy was a very kind but innocently honest person and it became a very funny thing with my friend and I.

At one church event I was sitting, eating, and talking with a group of people and Jimmy came up behind me and looked down at the top of my head and announced, "Oh wow Amy! You sure do have a lot of grey hairs on your head."

Another time I was talking to Jimmy and when I was in the middle of a sentence he interrupted me and said, "Umm, you have this glob of mascara or something on your cheek, Yuck." and then he made a fake gagging sound.

And there is a hilarious trail of these incidences.

Now you may think, this person sounds so stupid and rude but honestly we found it comical because we were pretty sure Jimmy didn't realize how awkward and rude these comments and moments were. He was just innocently honest but had a heart of gold. It soon became a thing with us to say, "Guess what Jimmy said..." haha and then we would reply with a chuckle-sigh and say, "Oh Jimmy,"

I sure do miss my "Jimmy" moments. And I really want to make it a thing to say, "Oh Jimmy" when someone does something that's maybe slightly socially awkward or acceptable and then laugh/shrug it off, rather than get your feathers ruffled.
Jimmy and I bowling on my 26th birthday.

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