

Why February is Only 28 Days....

Logistically... I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the lunarness of the sun/moon/planets/calendar

Even though it's the shortest month of the year is seems to drag on forever (Sandlot moment!: FOR-EV-ER)

This February it didn't snow until the end of the month... nope; it was a majority of cold weather, dark dreary days and no white fluffy snow, just dead/black surroundings

February holds the holiday of valentines which usually means decorating in pink and red; red is cool... I hate pink.

Apparently Julius Caesar was selfish in naming a month after himself and making it the longest... read about somebody's theory at: Askville.com

The Romans... nuf said

I don't know what it is but even as an adult February is hard to spell! So, might as well only have to spell it out for 28 days instead of the usual full 31 :)

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