
My Finger Nails Didn't Grow at All!

"I knew something was wrong. My finger nails didn't grow at all this week!" -Pheobe Buffet

If you didn't know, (and if you didn't know, then you don't know me at all... sad day for the both of us) I love the TV show FRIENDS. And umm... love is an understatement. I own every season of FRIENDS on DVD and I often will quote the show. I even go as far as relating my life moments to FRIENDS... pretty sad actually... oh well.

Well I had one of those moments this week: See there's this FREINDS episode where Rachel and Ross are breaking up and it's really sad and traumatic and Pheobe says, "Oh this is bad. Though, I knew something was wrong, my fingernails didn't grow at all this week!" WELL I had a bit of a stressful week and I was at work and I looked at my fingers and thought, "Weird, my nails are really short. When did I last clip them because I feel like it's been forever." Then this quote of Pheobe's popped into my head! Haha, maybe Pheobe knows something about stress and tension and maybe it really DOES affect the growing capacity of your nails.

Now there's something to think about :) One of my readers should go and research it and comment on this post


Don't Read your "Stats" Tab

To my fellow blogspotters out there:

Reading the stats tab in your account information can be depressing and lead to a realization of patheticness. It will show you that you are rarley read which means the majority of the time you are (whispered voice:) talking but really typing to yourself; and all of cyberspace is there or really not there to witness it.
This realization of patheticness may lead to depression, medication, crazy outbursts, eye twitches, continued sessions of talking/typing to yourself, creation of imaginary friends, crazy outbursts of laughter, or DEATH!

You have to make a choice: 1) keep blogging... who cares what people think.
2) Keep blogging with bitter desperation for readers
3) Shut-her-down
or 4) DEATH!

I'm going with 1... it's still fun! and not pathetic

p.s. Disclosure: This is just for laughs... not a pitty party :)


Yeah! What DO you remember?

So the other night I was leaving a meeting for a non-profit organization fundraiser event that I had been at with a friend and her boyfriend. As we were leaving, Mr. Boyfriend invited us to his house for some hot chocolate. I declined and said, "No you two should just go." (Thought I'd let them have some time together) But they both protested so I went in for some hot chocolate.

While we were eating (haha, I mean drinking) hot chocolate his mom came and joined us. Such a sweet lady. Well (not sure how it came up) she said something about how she avoids pain at all cost (Funny, me too) except for child birth (Haven't done that one yet). So then we’re on the topic of child birth. (Oh? ok then)

She proceeds to tell us graphic details about each of her children’s births! Bahahahaha! How my friend and I were able to keep straight faces is beYOND me! She even used phrases like, “When the placenta came out” and “I lost a tube with that one.” LOL! (Not laughing that she lost a tube, laughing at the awkwardness) THEN she turns to me, NOT MY FRIEND who her son is dating but me, and asks if my mother has ever talked to me about my birth and what she has told me AND MY FRIEND SAYS, “Yeah Amy! What DO you remember about your birth!?” LSHMAB-BIRD (Laughed so hard my appendix burst-but it really didn't)

SUCH a sweet lady… funniest/most awkward conversation ever!