
Overheard at Work...

So I currently work in a Harry Potter closet... well not that bad but it is an abandoned file room. Because of this I am a bit removed from the people who work out in the rest of my floor BUT I can still hear their conversations... well here are some things I have overheard while working:

Let's get some iliterate guys who can actually play ball, then maybe the UofU would start winning again.

That's right! I'm wearing two different types of earrings... I wish it were a fashion statement.

Anything you say can and WILL be held against you.

Umm... who decided on the baby poop green color?

I'm good at offending people.

We should rid the world of all hard cookies.

It only takes one person to make a situation awkward.

What are some funny things you have overheard at work?

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