
Overheard at Work: Part Two

From my last post related to this I have gotten a new position at work and I sit somewhere differently. I am now out in the open but yet still sit pretty much secluded from other people on my floor (they must be scared of me or something). Well, I still hear funny things and some have even been said to me, since starting in my new spot, and I think it's time to share the next set of Overheard at Work. It's nothing fantastic... but I'm sharing anyways.

Gross, I can't believe you actually know where that file is of the top of your head.

Umm, this guy emailed to see if I would help out with this service thing but I hate this guy.

Hey! What happened to your 29 hours?!
Oh! Sorry, Yeah, I've moved it down to 2.9 hours.

Nobody sees the great and powerful OZ!

He's probably told you I am the most important person here.

I'm up to my armpits in alligators.

Link to the original Overheard at Work: Overheard at Work

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