
Things In Your 20s

A "friend" of mine on Facebook posted two entires from Thought Catalog about "things" in your twenties. 1. Things you're too old for in your twenties and 2. Lessons Everyone learns in their 20s. Check them out! Both of them made me laugh but both had a few things that were kind of a harsh but a good reality (things that I knew but not sure if I wanted to admit).

Things You're Too Old For in Your Twenties.
These 9 things all just made me chuckle and I found entertaining. Maybe staying true to the advise of #9 is why I duck into an isle at the grocery store when I see someone from high school in order to avoid the awkward chit-chat life-update. (Though sometimes I do that and then feel terrible because I would have actually liked to have said hello to that person.)

Lessons Everyone Learns in Their 20s
1. Ha!
2. SO TRUE! Just looking at my Murray girl friends we are all in different stages. Some married with kids, some traveling the world, others career focused, some still trying to figure out their path in life, etc.
It's hard sometimes when you see what others around you are doing: I travel a lot but sometimes my life feels "empty" without a companion to share it with. While some of my married friends have said they are jealous of the single friends random adventures. Just a good reminder to be happy with whatever stage you are at and enjoying what you have.
8. Word. Ok... I know this is referring to drinking and I don't drink but I'm looking at this one as staying up late and/or going to big parties. It's funny, I love to be around lots of people but I now also love my alone time. Sometimes it's hard to balance the fulfillment of the need for both. My senior year of college I started to get to the point that I was ok going to bed between 10pm and midnight. If I can manage to stay up until 2am then I usually get a second wind and burst of energy but it doesn't mean I recover from it like I did at 19 years old. No way! I pay for it. I also "love" going on dates these days with guys still in college and when I say I have work in the morning and need to get home or that I can't just text or call at anytime during the work day they seem so confused by the concept.
9. This is one I really need to work on. People love to give you their opinions, even when you don't ask for it AND I am SUCH a people pleaser. Sometimes when people in my life give my adamant advice I don't think they realize how much of an effect it has one me. "I want to do this thing but So-and-so said I shouldn't and now I'm questioning myself and my judgement." It drives me crazy... I literally talk myself out of things because of other people and I really shouldn't let them do that to me.
10. This past year, #10 has been a true awakening for me. I miss the college scene (and even high school) where you could get 30 people together to go do a fun/crazy/random activity but I no longer seem to know how to get that big of a group together anymore. #10 makes perfect sense: I can still be friendly with everyone and still invite new people to join a group activity once in awhile but it's time to have just a small group of friends. It's time to live my favorite TV show, FRIENDS, haha.
I was actually talking to a guy friend about #10 and he made the point that in big groups you know everyone's name and how they are in the large setting but in smaller groups you don't miss the intimate opportunity to really get to know someone and become a true friend, not just a Friday night friend.

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