
Book Reviews: How to Win Friends and Influence People, Inside the Magic Kingdom and The Servant

A few more reviews from my readings from my 2014 reading list. I decided to group together my reviews of the books that I read with the purpose of improving my employee/employer self.
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
I enjoyed this book, it was an easy read and a good reminder of the simple things you should be doing anyways when working with others and even more simply how to best treat others. As I was reading the book I kept thinking, I used to be good at that but I need to start to practice it again, I try to do that, etc. It was nice to see that I already practice some of these things but also a reminder of what I desperately need to work on. It was also fun to think of others in my life that I admire and think, "They are so good at this." A lot of the topics in this book talk about being sincere, being positive, lifting others up, being genuine, challenging yourself and more. There are three sections of principles in the book and at the end of each section the principles for that set are listed for a nice review. I would recommend this book.
My dad loves this book and I can actually see a lot of things from this book that he has been teaching myself and my siblings while we grew up in his home.
Inside the Magic Kingdom by Tom Connellan
This was not on the list but we read it for work and I absolutely loved it. It is written in story format and it is basically tells how Disney run's their customer service. It is amazing how Disney looks at every little detail and how it puzzles together the big picture and they have a team attitude among all of their employees. Nobody is too high up to have to stop and pick up some trash because the main goal of the organization is to make sure their customers have the best experience they can have; it's a very selfless environment. It was really neat to read about the little details that Disney takes care of in their parks each night to make sure that whether it is your first time at DisneyWorld or your 20th time, the park and environment is still at it's best; for example: re-painting posts in the park every night and scientifically measuring the moisture in the air to make sure they are finished painting by a certain time so that the paint is dry by the time the park re-opens in the morning.
This is a fast read, very fun and extremely interesting. After reading the book I wanted to go work for Disney.

The Servant: A Simple Story about Leadership by James Hunter
This book was also written in story format and I loved this one as well. The main idea of this book is to lead others by loving them. When we treat others with love and respect, they will be more willing to follow and do what they have been asked to do. As I read this book I thought a lot about the student leaders that I lead and those that I have taken the time to love and sacrifice for are those who work even harder. Something else I liked about this book is it stresses that you can demand authority and manipulate people for what you want but that will only last for so long; it is love and service that will last a life time. One of my coworkers is very good at manipulation and he openly talks about it and how he will very carefully word his conversations with others to get what he wants. All this has done for me is to be very cautious around him and almost question when he is being sincere of if he is just trying to get something out of me that he wants. It has been a lesson to me to be sincere with others and to always look for win-win situations when I need to negotiate things.
This was a quick read and a good reminder of how to conduct my self everyday and with everyone... not just in the work place.

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