
Blood and Needles... Yuck!

So I have a history of being a "not so much a fan of blood and needles" person. Yup, true fact. Once I actually passed out in a physical because they pricked... yes PRICKED my finger to test like a milla-ounze of blood. If you pass out during a doctor's appointment you get a popsicle... that makes it a LOT less humiliating. I also passed out once while DRIVING ... ON THE FREEWAY because my friend was telling a horrifical graphic story about donating blood. (don't worry... we all survived because I was smart enough to swallow my pride and pull over and now it's a great funny story)

I have decided to diagnose my condition :) The phobia of needles is called Aichmophobia and the phobia of blood is called Hemophobia... so I have Aichihemophobia! BAH! (I can't really say that though without sounding like a "pretend" doctor who sounds out stuff)

It's really too bad that I can't handle blood and needles. See my fantasy job (not a dream job... dream job= what you could really be one day. Fantasy job= a job you know you'll never have but one would think it would be pretty awesome to have that job) is to be a surgeon. But that wouldn't go over so well... nope... not at all... I can see it now, "Your surgery went well...Doctor Amy did pass out so Doctor Substitute had to take over... but you'll make a full recovery." Just the intensity, intelligence and compassion of that career sound... welp... really cool.

Last week I had a cold. Two nights in a row I got a bloody nose. Once while driving. Both times in the presence of my friend Paige. Both times I was prepared with tissues (thank goodness for my anal personality and always being prepared). But bloody noses are no biggies... I've always had them growing up. They're just annoying and take patience. Paige however did make the comment, "So... your own blood doesn't bother you then?" Nope! Not even skinning my knee.

It's weird... I get queazy when blood is being removed unnaturally or in a dramatic way but if it's a nose bleed, razor cut, skinned knee, papercut... SUPER AMY IS HERE TO STAY!

Wow... probably a little pathetic... oh well!

P.s. To find a list of phobias you can go to this website: http://phobialist.com/

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