
Pep Talk

I graduated from USU in May, worked for USU until September, moved home, traveled for two months and now the job hunt has begun. It's time to be a grown up and get a big kid job. Ok, I don't actually want to be a grown up but I'm going to get a big kid job and I'm going to rock it... in a professional sophisticated way of course. Well today I had my first interview and I was bit nervous... ok I was freaked but I got over it. As I was getting ready I started thinking about pep talks from movies that have made me laugh and the first one that came to mind was Cool Runnings!

Cool Runnings
See, it would make sense to think of a speech given by the coach to the team but nope... that's not what I thought of. For all those Cool Runnings fans out there, you know there is an even BETTER pep talk found in the movie. It's the pep talk between Junior and Yul Brenner in the men's bathroom at the bar. See, Junior's whole life he has never stood up for himself even though he has big dreams and Yul Brenner sees this and he's fed up with it. So he pulls Junior into the bathroom, has him stand in from on the mirror and says, "Tell me what you see?!" and eventually Yul Brenner has Junior repeating after him, yelling, "I have pride! I have power! I am a bad a** mother who wont take no crap off of nobody!" AGAIN

Then I thought of a friends episode where Chandler is trying to quit smoking and Rachel lends him a tape from her co-worker and Chandler is supposed to listen to the tape while sleeping. The best part is, the tape is meant for a woman who is trying to quit smoking and it constantly repeats, "You are a strong, confident woman who does not need to smoke. Strong and confident." This later leads to some hilarious effects on Chandler.

Miracle- Herb Brooks Speech
But my most favorite pep talk comes from a youtube clip of this 8-year-old reciting the speech Herb Brooks gives in the movie Miracle. This kid is hilarious! Watch the youtube clip! Watch his eyes... when he gets serious... they get big.


"We shut them down because we... CAN!"
"You were born to be hockey players. Every one-n-ya"
"This is YOUR time, now go out there and take it!"

1 comment:

Kelcie said...

Oh I miss hearing your movie impressions! I'm so glad those are what you thought of while getting ready for your interview, you're awesome!! Good luck on the job search! Love ya!