
Mushy Mind

I have started a new job and it's hard and fun and I'm scared and excited! Today however... I had to up date spreadsheets in Excel and it wasn't awful but because it was so monotonous and simple my mind was slowly going into a coma! Ok, not really... obviously.

Basically since I have started the job my mind has had to learn new things and I can feel it working as I figure things out and processes it in my own way. It is kind of like my last semester of college. See I only needed four credits to graduate but I decided, what the hey (side note: Does anyone say "What the hey?!" anymore these days?) I'll take a full schedule. So I took classes outside my major of things that I thought would just be fun to learn about: Piano, Interior Design, Snowboarding, Sociology, Personal Finance and African Dance (I wanted to take a history class and a literature class but they were full... bummer). I loved it because it was outside of my major and so it was like waking up other parts of my brain plus it was just fun to learn things... for fun!

Unlike today... oh no. Seriously as I would typing it was as if............................

.......................(long giant mind numbing distract pause).................................

...........................................oh... Oh! Sorry, what was I saying...

Anyways pretty much I feel sorry for people who work in a lab or only do data entry or sit at a toll booth all day. My mind would turn to... hmmm analogies.... mush, oatmeal, mud, mulch, the scum between my toes! Oh wait that last one is from a different speech. My apologies!

Anyways... total randomness but...Yup, that's it... BYE

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