
Follow up

In reference to my last post, Patient History, it's time for the follow up.

Highlights of the appointment:

I'm healthy... woot

The nurse told me the numbers to my blood preasure;
My response: "Umm, I have no idea what those numbers mean."
Nurse: It's good.
Me: Oh... ok.

Didn't have to have my lady business areas checked... can you give me a big woot woot! The doctor goes; really you don't need to be checked until your your mid-twenties but you can if you would like.... nope! I've got two more years thank you very much.


I had to get a tetanus shot... apparently they have updated the adult one to include a vaccine for whooping cough. I told the doctor, "I really hate needles" He brushed it off by saying, "Everyone hates needles." Me, nervous laugh, "Haha true." But inside my head, "No, REALLY, I'm the 1 in 100 person who is legit on this!"

I got an order to go get my blood drawn (Ok fine! I take it back... I'll get the shot but don't make somebody suck my blood out)


Yesterday I went to go get my blood work done; see I had to "fast" before it was taken from me so the doctor just said to go when I could work "Starving" (not his words... mine) into my agenda. My mom said she would go with me, so we decided on a Saturday morning.

Yesterday morning I literally was acting like a teenager not wanting to go to school. "Hey mom, you know, you're really busy, we can go do this another time, we don't need to go today. Really, no biggie!" My mom just smiled and sweetly said, "No no, we're going." How Can She Be So Calm!

We went to the hospital... my heart is racing. I checked in and then I had to wait. As we're waiting I turn to my mom and say, "I'm going to throw up; I'm am that nervous! I literally want to vomit!" She just smiles and says, "It's alright, just take some deep breaths." Easy for you to say... though she was actually really great.

The nurse came in... and we went to go commit my greatest fear. Luckily the nurse was this really cute sweet but put together girl; she asked me if I would like to sit or lie down. All pride has left me, in fact, it checked out when I checked in; so I immediately admit to wanting to lie down and then proceed to tell her that I really hate this! She asks if I have my blood taken a lot... now I realize I'm the worlds biggest wimp because I have to tell her only once before and it was only a prick on the finger and I passed out and I've been traumatized ever since, to the point that talking about blood and needles makes me lightheaded. As I lie down and tears start to well up in my eyes... SERIOUSLY! How embarrassing but the nurse was good... she got in the vein quickly... got what she needed and I was done. The ironic/hilarious part was the curious part of me wanted to watch to see how it was done but the practical side was like, "I don't think so sista!"

Now I'm like this little kid after nursery who is so proud of their art project... I did it... I had blood taken out of my arm... I didn't faint... Success... gold star for me!! I am literally so proud, haha but also realize how ridiculous my fear is. I will probably be just as freaked out the next time I have to do this!

Disclosure: You may think I'm pathetic... that's fine... but talk to me when you are conquering your ridiculous/wish--you-weren't-afraid-of fear... I'll have a gold star for you

1 comment:

Heather said...

Amy I am so proud! I can tell you all my horror stories of giving blood all over again! jk :)