
Blogs... they're kind of funny

The other day I was thinking about a post I wanted to write  for my blog but then I thought, "Maybe that is too personal to publicly write about" and then I started to think about blogs. They can be a digital journal. Of course not ALL blogs are journals; some are purely informative, retail, a place for married people (who are too cool for Facebook) to post, advertisement, recipes, etc. But I use mine as a journal of random thoughts that I force the 3, maybe 4, of you to read. (Haha, Thanks)

When we were younger we all used to lock up all our secrets in our "diaries" now we blog about it. We tell the world. So my thought is, where do we draw the line of sharing and not sharing? Sometimes maybe we're too secretive and we need to share the hard things as much as the good things so that everyone knows that we are just human. Maybe someone else needs to read about the hard things to know that they are not alone in what they are going through too. But then again, sometimes it gets old hearing people's sob stories. I don't know, I guess a happy variety is always good... leaning on the the side of more positive posts.

One great thing about blogs is that is a great way to stay connected with friends who are not in the same state as I am. I love hearing about their little daily activities, their full stories, seeing their pictures, etc. Of course this does not beat getting to see them in person but it helps to get to enjoy the things that they wouldn't have time to fully share in a phone conversation.

The type of blogs I enjoy are the ones that make me laugh, inspire me to think outside the box or be more creative, and the ones that are written by friends and family.

Anyways... cheers to blogs and their funny-ness.

1 comment:

Em said...

hahaha this is so so true. But, lets just be clear. I love your blog :)