
Not Your "Normal" 26-Year-Old... I guess

First Half of Post: Marriage - Second Half of Post: Life Progress

In the past year or so I've noticed on blogs and facebook the "older" single crowd is starting to speak up a little more. (Haha or maybe it's because everyone I follow and am friends with on Facebook is my same age and so the probability of these posts is going up) Not in a contentious type of way but just a way of saying, "Hey, these are my own thoughts on my situation... it's not so bad." These were two blogs/articles that I found that I liked what they wrote and I've just added my own thoughts and opinions along with them.

I have been very blessed to have close friends and close family members in my life who love me for who I am I don't treat me as if I am "broken" or incomplete because I am not married; I never have to feel ashamed when I am with them because I know they love me no matter what.

The Older YSA Crowd

3. I love weddings! Especially when it is a wedding for a close friend or family member. Never have I ever been jelous or bitter when celebrating their bliss. I love seeing someone I care about making a life step that makes them so happy. I mean how immature to be bitter just because someone else is happy.

I love getting together with people I love at weddings; catching up and swapping fun stories about the happy couple. Oh and dancing! I love dancing, so when there is dancing at a wedding I go from "happy-camper" status to "cloud nine."

My younger brother got married last summer... gasp! I know! How on Earth... Is Amy Ok? (sad head tilt) Last I checked I'm not dying or even ill... so umm.. I'm great... In fact I was so excited for my brother I wasn't even thinking about me... that was until people kept asking me or family members if I was ok with the situation... but then I would forget them and continue being super excited for my brother's wedding.

4. Haha, yeah... no need to pity me.

5. Sometimes with those pity parties from other people you do start to question your self worth. I think she says here is perfect, "If a guy isn't interested in us, it's OKAY. God is. And in my eyes, knowing that and reflecting that knowledge in our daily living is what makes a person truly attractive."

8. The first time I had someone say to me, "Don't worry, you're turn will come too!" I was 20... TWENTY-years-old. Haha umm, thanks, I know. (Can't imagine what they must think of me now)

9. "I rather be happily single than miserably married." Amen! Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to one day be married and sharing life with my best friend, my partner in crime, etc. But I'm not just going to settle for Joe-Shmoe because everyone is making me feel like if I don't jump on the train now I'll miss it completely.

This second article is an article that, not only was relatable, but was also a good life reminder for its outlook. Constantly I find myself stressing about what I'm doing next and why I'm not where I feel I'm supposed to be but the thing is, why am I stressing about what is next all that time? Shouldn't I be enjoying the "now" and learning from the "now?" What's the rush to completely growing up? I've got YEARS to be grown up.. Yes, of course, making goals is important and we should always be working towards moving along, but we shouldn't be stressing over it... I shouldn't be stressing over it!

I like that this article reminds me to also be considerate when I am talking to people and not asking what is next all the time but asking about what they are doing with their life right now.

Ask What I'm Doing Now
and The After Math of "26 Unmarried and Childless"

What I find so interesting about these articles is that the first one spoke out to many single people; her article went viral (on noss speed) with the single crowd. BUT what the second article explains, the first article wasn't meant entirely for the "single" crowd. The first article was about a friend of her's with infertility problems, another who had lost a job, etc.

P.S. you should check out the author of these two articles... she's HILLARIOUS! MandieMarie

Closing thoughts: Well, I'm 26 and even though I have my downs of thinking I am behind in life or in a rut, I also remember that I am still me and I live a pretty interesting and filled life and I wouldn't trade it. I also have great family and friends to share my life moments with; I am not alone. And yes I want to be married and start that life chapter but I am also not going to sit around doing nothing until that day comes. I'm going to keep going on adventures and learning and growing and being me.

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