

So I have this dilemma... obviously it is not huge... people are starving in the world and I'm worried about this:

See when I moved home from Logan I also left the university's fieldhouse; I now no longer have a place to work out... not that I went that often. If I ever had the choice between the gym and well anything... I did anything. But I still liked having the choice. I do like the occasional run but I do better at it on a treadmill and if I'm going to find a treadmill I might as well make a workout session out of it and do the whole sha-bang: treadmill, glider thing, bike, stretch. The treadmill was always may preference; 1) because it looked over the basketball courts and I loved watching the guys play basketball (whisper: especially shirts and skins, hahaha), and 2) because I just love running. There is something melodic about it and when those endorphins kick in welp it is the best natural high.

My other preferred form of working out is in a group: yoga, pilates, kick-boxing, DANCING, etc. I like the socialization of it and I like having someone there to push me. Plus, when it comes to dancing, I love it. There is something about dance... it's where I come alive and it's an awesome workout!

So... the dilemma.... where do I go now to work out. Yeah, I could just do it at home but that never works out. I've looked into places with punch cards for classes; RDT-an adult professional modern dance company but they teach all sorts of dance classes as well, The Sports Mall-yoga, pilates, zumba, aerobics, spinning, etc and if I get a membership there then I also have workout equipment, A Lady in my ward has a yoga studio with a few other classes like zumba but it is bit pricy, Golds Gym- my cousin's wife, whom I really like, goes there often so I would have a buddy to go with....

(Side note: I haven't tried zumba yet but I feel like it's the new thing! But I also feel like it attracts soccer moms/ Draper moms in their need to fulfill their trendy ways... so do I wait for them to give up after two weeks of realizing they don't have what it takes and let the fad fade and then jump into the tail end of zumba existence?)

So... where do I go? AND now I've waited so long to decide and now it's the new year and all these people have new years resolutions to loose weight and so they're all buying gym memberships... I don't want to be grouped with them! So now I have to wait for mid-February/ early-March to buy my pass (that's usually by the time all those "I'm going to loose weight this year" people stop going to the gym).

WHERE and WHEN? Ha... that is what my dilemma is... pretty much when I actually care I'll just pick one and start going... right now I'm going to continue to love my body, eat amazing food and gain some winter insulation!

1 comment:

Clarissa Earl said...

Amy I laughed when I read this post because I have been having the EXACT same dilema!! Especially regarding the whole "new year's resolution" people. It's taken me this long to get adjusted to living in SLC and I am ready to combat the whole "where to work out" dilema but at totally bad timing! I don't want to be grouped with those people either! Regardless, I think I am going to join Gold's Gym b/c I get a discount through work. Probably going to go on Monday b/c I have the day off. Screw the people who think I'm going b/c it's a new year's resolution.