
I Got Married!

So last night I had this dream that I GOT MARRIED! And I didn't even like the guy... it was awful!

The Dream:
So I'm at Seattle Grace Hospital talking with Meredith Grey and Dr. Derek Shepherd, aka "Dr. McDreamy," and then I blink and I'm at Santa's North Pole. (Of course there is no transition: a fade out and back in, a fuzzied image, etc. Nope... because in a dream that is totally normal... who would ever question being in one places, blinking, and then being in a completely different region... no biggie)

Now this Santa's North Pole isn't wintery... it's summer and it looks a lot like what Harry Potter's Diagon Alley should look like. I'm walking by myself down a side street and it is evening; but it's one of those pleasant warm night's that isn't a sad dark, it's like a light dark... you know?! (If you don't know, stop reading... you're no fun) Well, I'm walking and then I hear an announcement over an intercom, while bells ding DONG in the distance, and the voice says, "it is time." By those three simple words I KNOW that is time for celebrations and its for me and I don't want it. So I round the corner and there's this guy with his buddies, and I know he's with me. Now this guy, he's kind of chubby and him and his friends remind me of the Jack Blacks and Kevin Jameses (who I like as actors but this is reality in the dream and that's just not cool)

Well one of the guys in the group is like, "get your wife!" and the guy comes over and holds my hand AND THEN THE STREETS FILL WITH PEOPLE AND THEY'RE SO EXCITED FOR US! (apparently we're already married and it's time to celebrate) It's a party (but I don't want to be married to him, I never wanted to be married to him. He's a nice guy and I don't have anything against him, I just don't want to "be with him." It's like I said no, but nobody listened, so married him to please people and I hated it.) THEN in the crowd of people somebody picks me up and yells something like, "She's the bride" something that makes it ok to pick me up and BEGIN CROWD SURFING ME! Sure... why not! She's tiny and the BRIDE! THEN It's like the party becomes multi-levels of people and I run into my friend Angela's husband, Sterling and it's like he can see the pain in my eyes and feels bad for me... so he bought me a breakfast muffin.

And then I woke up....

shocked voice to myself.... I got married.

1 comment:

B said...

I have to say you freaked me out a little bit by the whole "I got Married!!!" blog title. Don't do that to me! Even if it is a dream marriage, you need to warn me before you blog about it.